I would like to thank MW Paul M. Curran, MW Paul D. Litteral Jr, MW James E. Barrett and WB Thomas Parsons for installing me today.
Distinguished East, Brethren, Ladies and Guests:
It is my duty, as it is my pleasure and privilege, to welcome Most Worshipful Brother Christoph Bosbach, Past Grand Master of the The United Grand Lodges of Germany; MW J.D. Stevens, The Grand Master of The British Freemasons in Germany.
MW Gerhard Severin, MW Paul M. Curran, MW Paul D. Litteral Jr, MW James E. Barrett, MW Tayfun Cilingir, MW Jan Savarino, and MW Daniel Jap Lim,
“All” Past Grand Masters of The American Canadian Grand Lodge.” Everyone please join me in a warm welcome and “Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our Communication.”
I would like to give a special welcome to the leaders of our coordinate bodies: III Sir James Barrett 33°, Personal Representative and General Secretary of the AMSRB Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasons, Ill Sir Frank Ullmann, Potentate of Emirat Shrine, WB Ward Williamson, Executive Officer DeMolay Germany, Elected and Appointed Officers, Brethren, Ladies and Families.
My gratitude goes to “All of You”, thank you for traveling long distances to be here today.
I have been greatly honored to serve you in 2022-2023, and I am looking forward to working together again in this Masonic year. Past Grand Masters, and Grand Lodge officers – “Thank you, for your Wisdom.”
Thanks to my friend, girlfriend, and love of my life Christine, for her constant support, understanding, encouragement and for her love.
Thank you to the Brothers of this Grand Lodge for electing me to serve you. It is with great honor that I accept the trust and confidence you all reposed in me.
This year we will continue to strive to improve our labors, Leadership Roles, Functionality, Masonic Programs and Team. The tasks need much work and dedication but with your support, there is no doubt we can accomplish our goals.
Congratulations to the newly elected Treasure.
All decrees are still in effect, all prior Edits are rescinded.
In closing, thank you Ladies, my brothers, and Guests for taking time from your busy schedule to be here today to share this special moment together.
May the Grand Architect of the Universe watch Over and Bless our Military, our Families, and this Fraternity. That we may continue to enlighten life and illuminate love here on earth; and as we “Part Upon the Square.”
Thank You!
Luis A. Baez-Delgado
Grand Master