VW Ward Williamson
There are families that have a legacy with father and son that are masons. Many with several generations of Free Masons in the family.
But the Williamson family is different. As a family that holds US citizenship, we now have three generations of Masons in the ACGL within the VGLvD.
It started with Richard Ward Williamson who was brought to light in Luftbrücke Lodge 838 in the fall of 1959. He continued to hold his membership there till his passing in the summer of 2019 just months short of 60th year of membership of Luftbrücke Lodge.
In his travels with the military, he held dual membership in a number of Lodges in Arkansas, Oklahoma, California and Colorado. He was Master of Silveyville Lodge #201 in Dixon, California.
Then came Ward Richard Williamson II. When it was known that I was to be stationed in Germany my dad gave me a petition for Masonry in Luftbrücke Lodge 838. Upon my arrival in Worms as my duty station in the Army and learning that there was a new Lodge their Peter M Rasmussen Lodge #916, I changed plans. I ask for in PMR, in the spring of 1975, and became a Mason. In 1999 I served as Master of PMR 916.
This March Thomas Richard Ward Williamson became an Entered Apprentice in Peter M Rasmussen Lodge #916 the third generation of this American family to become a mason in Germany.
I also have a Great Uncle and a brother that are Masons. There are families with more Mason in their Family Tree but but I believe we are the first American family with three generations of Masons in the ACGL.
The Williamson family is proud to be Masons