The noble nines, District 9

My Dear Brn,
One of the greatest lessons the pandemic taught us is probably that some of the aspects of our life that we take for granted, might not be as solid and secure as we might think.
We often tend to assume that our Lodge is going to be there, waiting, even if we don´t feel like attending, we are late for the dues… there´s always tomorrow to take care of our obligations.
With these thoughts in mind, I became very curious about what moves the Brn from District 9th to endure so many challenges for the Craft (the least of which being very VERY long drive or flight to even attend their Lodges).
Why such a high commitment? What do they gain from this?
Well, for a series of very lucky coincidences we were able to have a little stroll together in Munich and an Espresso or two… here is what I learned:
First of all, the Brn told me in turn about their initiation: all of them shared in their tale the amazement they experienced when they realized how much work people that they barely meet before, put into the ceremony to make possible for them to take such an important step.
Many of them have also a personal legacy to fulfil, some even more than three generations of Brn in their family tree; It is therefore thanks to their sense of honor and the lesson of the plumb that they feel compelled to reciprocate and help the next candidate.
So far stories that we all share but then, to my surprise, they shared with me what they see as a key benefit that Masonic education brings into a society:
“Masons are trained to take decisions and always square their actions accordingly. That makes most of them Natural leaders. A very rare commodity, especially in a cultural environment, where freedom of expression is not welcome; It is clear that if any society wants to avoid stagnation and eventual death, Masonry is one of the institutions they have -directly or indirectly- help flourishing.”
Noble nines
I think about the many years of persecution that the craft had to endure in Germany, Italy, during the years of “Darkness”. Once the Authoritarian regime fell many of the people entrusted with the rebuilding process were masons. Was that the reason why?

Let me name one of the Brn, W Bro Roldan,
WB Roldan´s mother lodge is Lodge 882, and he is the sitting Master of the lodge for the second term.
Despite living four hours away from his mother lodge, W Bro Roldan felt a deep calling to become an active member of the fraternity. He regularly made the long journey to attend lodge meetings, engage in meaningful discussions, and deepen his understanding of the teachings of Freemasonry.
But W Bro Roldan’s journey did not stop there. He also felt a strong desire to serve his lodge and contribute his skills and talents to help it flourish and strive. He stepped into various stations and places within the lodge, taking on leadership roles that allowed him to make a positive impact on the fraternity. His dedication and hard work as Secretary of his mother lodge, Lodge 882, earned him the prestigious “ACGL Best Secretary Award”. This recognition is a testament to his commitment to excellence and his passion for the principles of brotherhood, service, and honor. Furthermore, his mother lodge was awarded the “ACGL Best Lodge Award”, showcasing his humble contribution on his term as the lodge secretary.
I have to admit that I seldom experienced this kind of dedication and commitment to Freemasonry, the Brn of district 9 are a shining example of what it means to be a true Mason. Their journey has been characterized by perseverance, determination, and a deep sense of purpose.
As we reflect on their story, let us be inspired by his unwavering commitment to the principles of Freemasonry. Let us be reminded that our entry into the fraternity is not just a decision, but a calling to live a life of service, honor, and brotherhood.

Sir Cello ALot