A Message from the Deputy Grand Master

RW Thomas Litz

Deputy Grand Master

Dear Brethren, all,
After our wonderful annual communication and installation, although some modifications were made, the core team stays almost unchanged for one more year.
I congratulate you all to your appointments, committees and RWB Greg Anderson for being elected as our new Grand Treasurer.

Now, the next Masonic year lies in front of us and – while the clock is always ticking- we will give all our best for our brethren as well as for our neighbors and our society.
As we all know “the only easy day was yesterday” we are urged to spread the light and to adjust according to our ever-changing world.
We can be assured of one thing “The best is yet to be!” We all have dreams and if we are brave enough to follow them, we will almost always discover something of value and if the dream is about our great fraternity, we will all benefit for sure.
Life is full of changes and, as we too have the power to change, let´s face this opportunity with a “I expect to win” attitude.
My Brn, each one of us has a big responsibility: to keep and nurture our fraternity´s tradition as a beacon of harmony and brotherly love throughout the world until “Time shall be no more”.

In Closing, may kindness, brotherly love and affection distinguish our conduct as men and Masons.
Brethren, stay healthy and wise and may the Great Architect of the Universe continue to bless us all and watch over us.

Sincerely and fraternally


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