Arda Çilingir
The Skoglund Fund
Through the ACGL “The Skoglund Fund” Board of Trustees
Of the many helpful programs and services sponsored and supported by the membership of the American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL) in Germany, this fund ranks near the top.
Over the past 45 years the Fund has made it possible for many to attend college-:” and has provided an important and significant “gap-filler” for many, thanks to the generous support and concern of many ACGL Lodges and individual members.
The John D. Skoglund Memorial Scholarship Fund was originally established in 1978 by Paul and Lydia Skoglund as a living memorial to their son John who, until his death in a tragic automobile accident, had been a dedicated and very active DeMolay. The purpose of the fund is to provide educational assistance in the form non-repayable scholarship grants to qualified applicants who are members of the Order of Rainbow for Girls, the Order of DeMolay for Boys, or children of the Masonic Brothers of the ACGL.
As the Skoglund Fund is self-sustaining (i.e., independent from other ACGL charitable endeavors), it relies upon donations, contributions, and bequests for asset growth and upon investment income for the annual grants to selected applicants.
In 1992 the American Canadian Grand Lodge assumed responsibility for the Skoglund Fund in order to continue its work and to expand the scope of the Grand Lodge benevolence programs.
The Skoglund Fund is administered by a Board of Trustees by the American Canadian Grand Lodge. The Board appoints a committee to review applications those most qualified, and to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, which then determines who will receive scholarship grants and in what amounts.
Who May Apply?
Active or Senior (Majority) members of the Order of Rainbow-for-Girls (under the Grand Assembly in Germany); the Order of DeMolay for Boys (Jurisdiction of Germany), and those who are children of Life Members or members in good standing of a Lodge within the American Canadian Grand Lodge and who have a serious desire to pursue educational goals beyond high school.
What Type of Education Qualifies?
Matriculation for any course of study in one of the following types of post-high school institutions:
a four-year college or university.
There are no restrictions as to the country in which the educational institution is located.
How You Can Help Our Young People
The American Canadian Grand Lodge is dedicated to encouraging our Masonic youth in their educational pursuits to better qualify them to assume their destined leadership of our communities, states, and nations.
Young people represent our country’s greatest and most important asset. Their success in TOMORROW’S world depends upon how much we adults care TODAY.
The perpetuity of the Skoglund Fund can only be assured through the concern and generosity of those interested in assisting our young people pursue their educational goals. It is our goal to broaden the scope of the Fund so that more may benefit each year with larger grants.
Among the many ways you can help are:
Cash Gifts
Life Insurance
Living Tributes
and, simply by letting others know what we are doing and how they too can help.
To request further information or an application, or to make donations and contributions, please write to:
The Skoglund Fund
Through the ACGL “The Skoglund Fund” Board of Trustees Arda Çilingir